[:it]Mia Disabilità ti scrivo[:en]Dear disability[:]

[:it]Mia Disabilità ti scrivo[:en]Dear disability[:]

[:it]È da molto tempo che penso di scriverti, ma non ho mai trovato o voluto trovare l’occasione per farlo.
Ti conosco da così tanto tempo che quasi i ricordi prima di te sono diventati bianchi, ma è giusto che tu sappia che io ti ho sempre odiato.
Sì, odiato come mai avevo odiato prima.
Ti ho detestato perché Tu mi hai tolto tutto quello che per me era importante, mi hai fatto conoscere la paura, la rassegnazione, lo sconforto e il dolore.
Per molto tempo ho cercato il “colpevole”, quello che ti aveva portato da me. Ho fatto ti tutto per nasconderti, per allontanami da Te. Perché Tu lo sai… sai essere crudele, non hai pietà con chi ti disprezza.
Ma sono passati 20 anni da quel giorno che ci siamo incontrati. E oggi so di conoscerti.
Oggi ti posso dire che tu non sei solo buio.
Grazie a Te so che è il nostro tempo la cosa più preziosa che abbiamo.
Mi ricordi sempre di dare il giusto valore ai soldi, perché tu non mi lasceresti mai… neanche se ne avessi una montagna da donarti.
Mi rammenti spesso che con me sei stata brava, che devo guardarmi indietro a chi sta peggio e non solo avanti a chi sta meglio.
Ma non illuderti, tra noi non ci potrà mai essere amore!
Io farò sempre di tutto e di piu’ per lasciarti
Lo so, ora starai ridendo perché sai che probabilmente staremo insieme per sempre.
Ma comunque vada,
volevo solo dirti che mi piace l uomo che mi hai fatto diventare.


Dear disability
I have been thinking of writing you for a long time, but I have never found or wanted to find the occasion to do so.
I have known you for so long that my memories before you have faded, but I think you should know I have always hated you.
Yes, hated like I have never hated before.
I have detested you because you have stolen all things which were important to me.
You have introduced me to fear, gloom and pain.
For a long time I searched “the one to blame”, who brought you to me.
I did everything I could to hide you, to get away from you. As you know…you can be cruel, you have no pity on those who despise you.
However, twenty years have passed since the day we met each other. Today I know you well.
Today I can tell you that you are not just darkness.
Thanks to you I understand that our time is the most precious thing we have.
You always remind me to value money, because you would never leave…. even if I had a mountain of money to give you.
You often remind me of the fact that you have been good to me, that I have to look out for those who have it worse than me but also for those who have it better than me.
But don’t be deceived, between us there will never be love!
I will do everything I can and more to leave you.
I know, now you are laughing because you know that we will probably be together for always .
whichever way,
I just wanted to tell you that I like the man who you have raised me to be.


Dear disability
I have been thinking of writing you for a long time, but I have never found or wanted to find the occasion to do so.
I have known you for so long that my memories before you have faded, but I think you should know I have always hated you.
Yes, hated like I have never hated before.
I have detested you because you have stolen all things which were important to me.
You have introduced me to fear, gloom and pain.
For a long time I searched “the one to blame”, who brought you to me.
I did everything I could to hide you, to get away from you. As you know…you can be cruel, you have no pity on those who despise you.
However, twenty years have passed since the day we met each other. Today I know you well.
Today I can tell you that you are not just darkness.
Thanks to you I understand that our time is the most precious thing we have.
You always remind me to value money, because you would never leave…. even if I had a mountain of money to give you.
You often remind me of the fact that you have been good to me, that I have to look out for those who have it worse than me but also for those who have it better than me.
But don’t be deceived, between us there will never be love!
I will do everything I can and more to leave you.
I know, now you are laughing because you know that we will probably be together for always .
whichever way,
I just wanted to tell you that I like the man who you have raised me to be.


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